Henry Glickel
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5 Books To Read For the New Year

Finders Keepers: Attracting and Retaining Top Sales Professionals
Russell Riendeau
How do you attract and retain elite talent in today’s tight labor market? How do you evaluate motivation and ability to sell competitively in your industry? These are just some of the questions Russell Riendeau addresses in Finders Keepers. Other questions addressed include: Is your organization attractive to the best sales and management personnel? Is there a magic commission formula that will keep talent on your team? What can you do about expensive turnover in your sales force? Why is it important to brag about sales reps who have left your organization? Why should you find your replacement?

An Effective Life
Stephen Covey
An Effective Life shares original new perspectives on life and self-evaluation, striking infographics, and inspirational quotes in a fresh new package designed for the generation early in their careers and for those long-time Covey admirers who seek to improve their work and personal lives based on principles. You’ll also find a Personal Journal to help you process the insights you’ve gleaned from the book. This book is more than an inspiration, it is an introduction to important principles needed to live An Effective Life.

If... (Questions for the Game of Life)
Evelyn McFarlane and James Saywell

If . . . can be a wonderful after-dinner parlor game; it can serve as an icebreaker between new acquaintances; it can even help you better understand yourself, your dreams and aspirations, and the mysteries of life. After the hours of inquisitive thoughts and revelations inspired by If . . . (Questions for the Game of Life), you'll wonder, “If I had never picked up this book, what would have happened to me?”

Trump: Think Like a Billionaire
Donald Trump and Meredith McIver
As Donald Trump proves, getting rich is easy. Staying rich is harder. Your chances are better, and you’ll have more fun, if you think like a billionaire. This is the book that will help you make a real difference in your life.

High-Maintenance Employees: Why Your Best People Will Also Be Your Most Difficult...and What You Can Do about It
Katherine Graham Leviss
High-Maintenance Employees is the first book to give managers detailed guidance on how to get the best out of high-maintenance high-performers--visionary employees who are difficult to keep on track. Kathi Graham-Leviss has spent the last 20 years coaching companies on how to improve their results, and realized that the No. 1 problem facing companies was how to manage these essential employees. 

#FindersKeepers #SalesProfessionals #TalentRetention #RecruitmentStrategies #SalesForce #EmployeeRetention #Motivation #SalesCompetitiveness #Management #HighPerformance #EffectiveLife #StephenCovey #SelfImprovement #PersonalDevelopment #AnEffectiveLife #LifePrinciples #IfQuestions #GameofLife #SelfReflection #Trump #BillionaireMindset #SuccessMindset #HighMaintenanceEmployees #EmployeeManagement #LeadershipTips
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