Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

Want Your Resume to be Noticed?

Have you ever applied for a position and wondered why you never heard a word from the company or recruiter? It’s easy to submit a resume and just wait. For most jobs, hundreds of resumes flood in and are stacked in a pile to be scanned over and sorted through. Getting your resume noticed in a digital world with so many formats, text, etc. is no easy task.


Alter your Resume

Each time to apply for a position; alter your resume slightly to fit the style of job you are applying for. Submitting the same resume to every position could cause you to miss out on an interview, simply because you could have tailored and highlighted points that are significant to this or that job opening. Understand the position you are applying for and create an identity that explains your experience and skills as related to that positions needs.  


Keep it Clean

You might love colored text and fancy fonts, but for a resume submission, keep it clean. If you choose to use colors (other than black or blue) or fancy fonts avoid anything distracting like purples, pinks and cursive fonts. Likewise with colors and fonts, choose a format that displays your work history, but is easily readable. The phrase “less is more” applies to resumes. Give your work history and an outline of skills, but there is no need to explain every detail that would otherwise be discussed in an interview.


Create a Digital Portfolio

With the new digital age, consider creating a digital profile or online portfolio that is edgy and advanced using the latest technologies to display your work history, education, skills and examples of previous work or recommendation letters from past employment. Having an additional “feature” to your resume that a recruiter can view and be enthralled in and fascinated by will cause your resume to be remembered.


Include an Objective

Many resumes are submitted, write a short objective at the top of your resume explaining why you are applying for the job and highlight the key points that qualify you. This objective paragraph will easily allow the recruiter/ interviewer to understand who you are and quickly gain a perspective of what you can do and if you would qualify for the position.  


You will quickly get your resume tossed in the trash if you introduce yourself as someone “just looking for a job” Recruiters are seeking not only qualified candidates, but those who are excited, eager and ready to work hard towards success. It has been said that “the devil is in the details”--- this could not be more true for resumes and job applications. Paying attention to details and ensuring your resume meets are details spelling out in the job posting will quickly show your work ethic and ability to complete a simple task with the given instructions for successful completion. Proofread your resume and have confidence that you have created an impressive resume that will avoid the trashcan!

Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me

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