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Henry Glickel
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5 Books To Order ASAP

Winning Decisions: Getting it Right the First Time
Edward Russo and Paul Schoemaker
With Winning Decisions, managers and other professionals now have access to a proven set of skills and strategies they need for making the right decision, right away.
Trump: The Art of Comeback
Donald Trump and Kate Bohner
Trump's story begins when many real estate moguls went belly-up in what he calls the Great Depression of 1990. Trump reveals how he renegotiated millions of dollars in bank loans and survived the recession, paving the way for a resurgence, during which he built the most successful casino operation in Atlantic City, broke ground on one of the biggest and most lucrative development projects ever undertaken in New York City, and outsmarted one of South America's richest men for rights to the Miss Universe pageant.
Personal Branding and Marketing Yourself
Rita Balian Allen
Complete with worksheets, checklists, and proven advice, Personal Branding and Marketing Yourself as a powerful toolkit for developing the ease, confidence, and comfort to learn about, maintain and communicate our best professional selves.
Leadership and the One Minute Manager
Ken Blanchard and Patricia Zigarmi and Drea Zigarmi
From Leadership and the One Minute Manager, you’ll learn why tailoring management styles to individual employees is so important; why knowing when to delegate, support or direct is critical; and how to identify the leadership style suited to a particular person.
Contagious Success: Spreading High Performance Throughout Your Organization
Susan Lucia Annunzio
Arguing that companies can achieve success by reinforcing their best-performing groups, a business guide offers advice on how to identify high-performance units and enable them to share their expertise throughout an organization for dramatic and sustainable growth. 25,000 first printing.
#WinningDecisions #TrumpTheArtOfComeback #PersonalBranding #Leadership #ContagiousSuccess #EdwardRusso #PaulSchoemaker #DonaldTrump #KateBohner #RitaBalianAllen #KenBlanchard #PatriciaZigarmi #DreaZigarmi #SusanLuciaAnnunzio #DecisionMaking #Success #Management #ProfessionalDevelopment #HighPerformance #Organization
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