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Henry Glickel
603-770-7175 | Schedule time with me
5 Books to Add to Your Reading List

Headhunters Revealed: Career Secrets for Choosing & Using Professional Recruiters
Darrell Gurney
This book teaches the game: how to differentiate the wizards from the rogues of recruitment; how to play placement "politics;" how to design one's resume for today's computerized databases; and how to enlist the equivalent of one's own lifetime Hollywood agent -- a "career manager." Chock-full of resources, any career professional will benefit from having Headhunters Revealed!
Strengths-Based Selling
Tony Rutigliano and Brian Brim
Strengths Based Selling explains sales talent and how to identify and maximize it. You’ll receive a code to take the world-renowned Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment, which reveals your unique talents and strengths. Armed with this information, you’ll follow this book through the entire selling process — from assessing opportunity and cold calling to retaining and growing accounts — learning how to apply your talents at each step. The book also features action items that will help you make the most of your strengths in sales.
The Persuasion, Influencing & Sales Recipe for Recruitment and Search Firm Owners
Terry Edwards
This is book will TRANSFORM your recruitment/search business into a valuable ASSET that is scalable, allowing you to have a predictable income and a business with REAL VALUE, which sets you apart from your competitors.
That Was Zen, This Is Wow
Robert Engelman lll and Russel Riendeau
That Was Zen, This Is Wow, is full of engaging, provoking, and fun ideas for creating a Wow life. The authors, Rob and Russ cleverly disguise their research in sociology, psychology, business, even physics research and have written a gem of a book full of metaphors, ideas and suggestions showing you how to use the little chunks of time in your daily life to create simple change that leads to big change and success.
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Daniel Pink
Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does—and how that affects every aspect of life. He examines the three elements of true motivation—autonomy, mastery, and purpose-and offers smart and surprising techniques for putting these into action in a unique book that will change how we think and transform how we live.
#Headhunters #CareerSecrets #ProfessionalRecruiters #ResumeDesign #PlacementPolitics #CareerManager #StrengthsBasedSelling #SalesTalent #CliftonStrengthsFinder #SalesProcess #Recruitment #BusinessTransformation #ValueCreation #WowLife #Motivation #DanielPink #DriveBook #Autonomy #Mastery #PurposeTransformation
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