7 Interview Questions You're Forgetting To Ask

As you sit down to interview your next round of candidates, you pull out the standard sheet of questions and start the routine.  It’s a routine you know so well you could probably conduct the interview in your sleep!  ‘Tell me about yourself.’  ’Why are you leaving your current job?’.  ’Where do you see yourself in 5 years?’.  Seems all too familiar.  You get to the end of the interview and still don’t have enough information to make an informed decision.  But what do you ask?  Gain critical insight into your candidate by asking a few simple questions they might not have heard before at an interview.  Here are 7 questions that you might not have thought to ask your next interviewee.    

  1. Are you a leader or a follower?
  2. Compared to other companies you are considering, where do we stand? Why?
  3. Design for me your ideal job.
  4. Have you ever not met quota? (If yes) Why?
  5. What 3 companies would you like to work for and why?
  6. What do you feel it takes to be successful in sales?
  7. What have you done that distinguishes you from other people with your title?

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