How Should You Answer THAT question
Category: Article
Over the years, we’ve conducted thousands of job interviews, coached hundreds of clients on how to succeed in interviews and followed up to debrief after. With our years of experience, we’ve gathered some ideas of what questions are most asked and what questioned are most hated by candidates in interviews. Often...
Myths About Compensation in Small Businesses
By Paul Alvarez
Category: Article
The business world is ever-changing and like everything else, the ways compensation is thought about, pursued, completed and discussed among employers and employees alike changes too. Talking about money during a job interview is something that makes most of us more nervous than it should. We usually avoid it, assume that...
Category: Book Review
SECRETS FROM RITZ-CARLTON, SOUTHWEST AIRLINES. AND TEXAS ROADHOUSE By: David Lee Electronic Recruiting Exchange - April 10, 2008 “People don’t remember what you said or what you did, but they always remember what they felt.” “What’s the emotional take away?” “Are these the emotions we want to leave them with?” “You are now part of...
3 Tips for Salary Negotiations
Category: Article
Talking about money during a job interview is something that makes most of us more nervous than it should. We usually avoid it, assume that we’re all on the same page, or just take whatever is offered and never work through any salary negotiations. But none of these are the best strategy!...
Category: Article
While many interviewers tend to assess a candidate on a more emotional level in the first few minutes of meeting you want to go beyond your “gut instinct” and have a more quantifiable means of evaluating each candidate. Take the time to organize and be prepared with a list of...
5 Resume Tips to Help You Land the Job
Category: Article
Putting together a resume is always a daunting task. It’s often the only chance you get to make an impression with a hiring manager before they decide who to call in for an interview. How can you be sure of exactly what to include to best sell yourself on one...
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