Put Your CERS Training To Work For You And Your Clients

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

My clients aren’t surprised when I coach them on how to keep a valued employee. While they are certainly aware that we make money through placements, they more than appreciate the genuine effort I make to help them retain their most valued people. That’s because as a Certified Employee Retention Specialist-...

Our Commitment to the Community During 2019

  By Marilyn Jackson

Category: Article

Our Commitment To The Community Is Strong Community involvement is an integral part of Sales Recruiters, Inc.’s culture and core values. The SRI mission includes the objective “to be socially responsible through philanthropy, community service and the way we operate our business, leading to mutually strengthened social benefit and economic performance”.

A Headhunter's Take on Twas The Night Before Christmas

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

Recruiting For The Christmas Purple Squirrel Candidate ‘Twas two days before Christmas, when all through the recruiting arena, The recruiters had bolted left the office faster than cheetahs; The placement and invoices had all been submitted, On the searches that had been completed; All the candidate...

Cybersecurity Threats for Small Businesses

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Article

As a small business owner, you might not have the capital, foresight, or internal expertise to deal with cybersecurity threats such as hacks of customer data records and personal information or leaks of financial information or intellectual property. While ensuring cybersecurity might sit on the back...

5 Books To Read For the New Year

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Book Review

Finders Keepers: Attracting and Retaining Top Sales Professionals Russell Riendeau How do you attract and retain elite talent in today’s tight labor market? How do you evaluate motivation and ability to sell competitively in your industry? These are just some of the questions Russell Riendeau...

5 Books to Gift to Your Coworkers

  By Henry Glickel

Category: Book Review

Knock 'em Dead Hiring the Best: Proven Tactics for Successful Employee Selection Martin Yate With Knock 'em Dead: Hiring the Best, you will not only find the best candidates, you can ensure they succeed once they're on your payroll. Zapp!: The Lightning of Empowerment William...

Showing Page 1 to 7 of 38 Article Posts

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